
Saturday 27 March 2010


At meetings over the past year we have often discussed the idea of having our own blogsite, but somehow it never happened.

Well, here it is: so register and start posting!

I intend to use this site as a way to keep Advocates informed of forthcoming events; what is being discussed by Lambeth First; and what I am doing to represent you: and I hope that you, for your part, will put forward your ideas, and invite comment from other Advocates.

David Prichard-Jones


  1. Good luck with your website. Discussion is always healthy and this site is much needed. But do you think that you will be able to do anything to change Lambeth First. Very few councillors seem to be interested in anything it does, and two community advocates are unlikely to be able to do much to change it.

  2. Thanks, Mike, but don't be so defeatist!

    It is all that we have got: it is up to us to change it (or, at least, to attempt to do so)!

    Now, tell others about this blog, and get posting!
