
Thursday 19 August 2010


LVAC have published their Autumn / Winter Training schedule . To see what is available please click on link.

Only those who have completed the 3 day training course are eligible to become Lambeth Community Advocates.

The application form for anyone wishing to apply to take part in these FREE courses can be found HERE


As promised, Lambeth Council have now released their notes on the Public Consultation which took place on the evening of 29 August.

The notes can be found at - 

Sadly, however, the notes are very condensed and lifeless, and in no way convey the widespread (and unexpected) enthusiasm for the project that was expressed by those attending the meeting; nor do they record the many good (and often highly original) ideas that were put forward by those members of the public who attended and spoke. This is particularly disappointing, as -

  1. Only five members of the Commission were present at the meeting, so, presumably, those ideas will be lost to the others; 
  2. Those members of the public who attended and contributed may well be discouraged from participating in future meetings, as they may believe this to be another routine formal consultation intended merely to satisfy the requirement to consult: and,
  3. Those who did not attend, but might feel minded to contribute to the discussion on the project, could be deterred from participating after reading the plodding and lifeless notes that have been published.

As I understand that more than one device was used to record what was said at the meeting, so it is extraordinary that we have not been presented with a better narrative.

David Prichard-Jones

Monday 2 August 2010


On the evening of 29 July more than 80 people attended at Room 8 Lambeth Town Hall to discuss the White Paper.

Discussion was lively with numerous contributions from Lambeth residents, the majority of whom are actively involved in Third Sector enterprises in the borough, and, personally, I can honestly say that it was the most interesting meeting that I have attended in Lambeth in the past 5 years. We probably have a greater diversity of race and class, and our residents have a wealth of talent and experience, which is almost certainly unequalled in any other borough - although this is not always evident to those who attend its public meetings! However, immediately the discussion was thrown open to the floor speakers came out with an amazing variety of interesting ideas on how services might be more sensitively and effectively delivered.

Those attending were promised that full notes of the meeting will shortly be published on the internet, and, in due course, I shall be adding a link to the notes on this blog.

David Prichard-Jones